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利莱森玛电压调节器D550_LEROY SOMER D550_NIDEC Digital AVR D550
利莱森玛电压调节器D550_LEROY SOMER D550_NIDEC Digital AVR D550
The D550 digital automatic voltage regulator (AVR) provides excitation current up to 7 A with excellent reliability and precision for SHUNT, permanent magnet (PMG) or AREP (auxiliary winding) excitation types. 智来机电为您提供利莱森玛(leroysomer-nidec)、卡特彼勒、威尔逊全系列发电机整机及配件供应,如有需要可以联系电话+86 13055256241 (微信和what'sApp同号)。
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